Parish Safeguarding

At St.Pius X, we take safeguarding very seriously so that everyone can feel safe and secure in practising their faith and in participating in the life of the parish. We are all part of a catholic community which welcomes, cares and supports one another.

We are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. Every human being has a value and dignity which we, as Catholics, recognise as coming directly from God’s creation in his own image. We must take particular care of those who may be vulnerable and respond compassionately to their needs to help keep them safe from harm or abuse. 

Everyone in the Catholic Church has a responsibility to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of those around them and those engaging in activities provided by the Church. Our commitment to Safeguarding is grounded in our belief in the uniqueness and dignity of all individuals. Consequently, we believe every member of our parish community has an entitlement to care, protection, love, encouragement and respect. 

Our parish is committed to the safeguarding policies of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Across the parish, we promote safe practices and support volunteers working with children, young people and vulnerable adults. All parishioners and Church personnel working with these groups are expected to comply with diocesan safeguarding policies and procedures. 

St. Pius X safeguarding representative is Shaun Steele and he can be contacted at 07947 605448 or via email:

Diocesan Safeguarding Office Contacts

Address: Curial Office, 2 Park Road South, Prenton, Wirral CH43 4UX


Telephone: 0151-652-9855