Holy Week 2024

Palm Sunday: 6pm Saturday, 8.30am and 10.00am (Blessing of Palms at all Masses) Holy Thursday 7.00pm (Washing of the feet and the Mass of The Lord’s Supper) No morning Mass Good Friday: 3.00pm (The Celebration of The Lord’s passion and veneration of the Cross/Congregation will be invited for a genuflection or a deep bow) Good Friday Offerings: Good Friday offerings provide … [Read more…]

We dare to say – Study on Our Father

The following is extracted from https://www.cbcew.org.uk/we-dare-to-say/ We Dare To Say is a resource for faith-sharing groups on The Lord’s Prayer structured over five weeks. Foreword At every moment of every day, somewhere in the world, Christians are praying the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. When said in liturgy or in devotional prayer, together or privately, … [Read more…]